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Baby Galam�s miracle

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Ametenda tena!

Baby Galam rang the bell yesterday, marking the end of her courageous cancer journey. We joined her family and friends from South Sudan to celebrate this miracle in a cake-cutting ceremony!

She has completed treatment for Wilms' tumor, a rare form of kidney cancer that primarily affects children, as explained by Electar, one of our oncology nurses.

Baby Galam began her treatment with us in December of last year. �When I walked through the hospital gates and saw the words �Compassionate healthcare to God's glory�, I knew without a doubt that this was the place where we would find help,� her father shared, reflecting on the challenges they faced while seeking care. The family had traveled from Old- fangak, South Sudan to receive treatment here.

Special thanks to our multidisciplinary team for their dedication and support throughout her journey. Together, we continue to impact #1MillionLives for Christ!

#ChildhoodCancerAwareness #CompassionateHealthcare