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Neurosurgical Triumphs

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Meet Dr. Will Copeland, one of our neurosurgeons. As an integral part of our team, he singles out one experience in the last six months.

"One of the most memorable patients I encountered here was a teenage boy who was suffering from severe tuberculosis affecting his brain. It was easy to see why one would think he wouldn't make it," recalls Dr. Copeland.

He goes on to reveal that after intervention, the boy recovered - fully! He credits the team for the care they provide. "We cannot overlook the need for more neurosurgeons in Kenya. I am also deeply impressed by the unique aspect of care at Kijabe Hospital - compassionate care. It doesn't matter which background you come from; the team is committed to provide holistic care. This was evident in the case of this teenage boy," he continued.

This incident has had a profound impact on Dr. Copeland. He considers it one of the most gratifying and rewarding moments of being part of this team and the boy�s care.

Dr. Copeland further emphasizes the need to address preventable causes of neurological cases such as trauma from accidents. He advocates for:

i. Wearing helmets while on bodabodas

ii. Avoiding drinking and driving in addition to following traffic laws, and

iii. Taking prescribed medicine for conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes which can lead to bleeding in the brain if not attended to

For more information about our neurology services, please call 0709728200